Giant Lab

TB-500 peptide for sale

It’s a synthetic version of Tβ4 (Thymosin Beta4). Thymosin is a protein encoded by the TMSB4X gene in humans. The protein consists of 43 amino acids, and it regulates actin polymerization. Thymosin Beta4 is a major cellular component in many tissues, and its intracellular concentration can reach 0.5 mM. Also, the protein is used in improving the healing of acute injuries with a slow rate in the process of recuperation.

Another common TB-500 use is its administration after having a heart attack owing to its capability of repairing damaged heart tissue through cardiac progenitor cell activation, which functions as a restoration system for your body.



CAS Number: 77591-33-4

Molar Mass: 4963.55 Da (g/mol)

Molecular Formula: C212H350N56O78S1

PubChem: CID 16132341

Synonyms: Thymosin Beta 4

How does TB-500 work?

Thymosin Beta4 intervenes in the regulation of actin polymerization encoding an actin sequestering protein in eukaryotic cells. It has a high conservation of sequence and localization in tissues and circulating cells of the human body. Actin is a cell-building protein that plays important roles in muscle contraction, cell division and cytokinesis, vesicle movement and the maintenance of cell junctions and cell shape.

TB-500 further enhances stem cell differentiation, cell mobility, and increases cell survival. All of which equals better performance, fitness, and health for your animal.


The effects of TB-500?

  1. Thymosin is involved in cell proliferation, migration and differentiation caused by a specific interaction with actin in the cell cytoskeleton (giving the cell shape and mechanical resistance to deformation). Thymosin can even increase cellular respiration that allows cells gain useful energy to fuel cellular activity.
  2. Thymosin increases red blood cell count and oxygen delivery to the muscles. This has, as a result, the improvement of the energy used by the body, which is useful to reduce the feeling of weakness and lethargic status. This protein also promotes the growth of new blood cells from the existing vessels through a process called angiogenesis, giving, as a result, the growth in the organism and the wound healing.
  3. This peptidespeeds injury repair increases joint mobility and encourages tissue repair, which are the desired effects of injured high-performance athletes who do not want to go through a long recovery period. This fact has caused the athlete’s abuse in the use of this peptide that falls into doping issues. This peptide is not allowed to be consumed during official sports competitions due to its faculty to improve the sports performance while it increases the recovery of injuries; the Australian Football League has been involved in a scandal related to the use of Thymosin.
  4. Bodybuilders can make use of this peptide to promote the increase of muscle growth, enhance endurance, strength and improve muscle tone (that helps to maintain muscle posture). These benefits can be accomplished in a better manner than in the use of anabolic steroids that can cause unwanted side effects. The importance of muscle endurance resides in the capability of athletes to increase their performance in activities performed for long periods.
  5. People that have used this peptide have not reported remarkable side effects although this peptide is a synthetic protein that mimics the natural function of Thymosin beta-4. The natural function of this protein prevents damage in organs that can be caused by pharmaceuticals that accomplish similar effects.