AMP, Aicar is an analog of adenosine monophosphate (AMP). And it is capable of stimulating AMP-dependent protein kinase (AMPK) activity. Doctors have already used Aicar clinically to treat and protect against cardiac ischemic injury. In the 1980s, doctors have already used the drug as a method to preserve blood flow to the heart during surgery.

Currently, it was shown that Aicar as a potential treatment for diabetes by increasing the metabolic activity of tissues by changing the physical composition of muscle. AICAR (commonly under the name Acadesine) is an analog of adenosine. It enters cardiac cells to inhibit adenosine kinase and adenosine deaminase. It enhances the rate of nucleotide re-synthesis increasing adenosine generation from adenosine monophosphate only during conditions of myocardial ischemia. In cardiac myocytes, AICA-riboside is phosphorylated to AICA-ribotide (ZMP) to activate AMPK without changing the levels of the nucleotides. ZMP is able to enter the de novo synthesis pathway for adenosine synthesis to inhibit adenosine deaminase causing an increase in ATP levels and adenosine levels.

What’s Aicar and its Medical use?

What's Aicar? CAS Number: 3031-94-5 Chemical formula: C9H15N4O8P Molecular Weight: 338.211 Appearance: Sterile filtered white lyophilized (freeze-dried) powder AA Sequence: 5-Aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide ribonucleotide Aicar, also named AICA ribonucleotide. Its Sequence is…

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