MGF Growth Factor

MGF Growth Factor At A Glance

MGF (mechano growth factor) has been used by bodybuilders and athletes for a few years already. After resistance exercise, IGF-1 is released within the muscle. Specifically, at this time, immediately following the mechanical use of a muscle, the IGF-I gene is spliced towards MGF which initiates hypertrophy and repair of local muscle damage. It does so both by activating muscle stem cells and satellite cells, but also via various other anabolic processes. It differs from “regular” IGF-1 mainly due to it’s C-Terminal sequence.


In a rodent study, a single intramuscular injection into muscle resulted in a 25% increase in mean muscle fibre cross section area within three weeks. Using a similar protocol, liver-derived IGF-1 took four months to produce a 15% increase.


It would also appear that with regards to age, the young have a better ability to respond to MGF , and that the elderly experience a decreased response to MGF which results in a decreased ability to stimulate the growth of new muscle tissue.

More Info About MGF

Mechano Growth Factor (also known as MGF and IGF-1Ec) is a splice variant of IGF-1 and was only discovered in 1996. MGF is produced locally within the muscles, whereas IGF-1 is manufactured in the liver mediated by Growth Hormone (GH).


Using MGF alone poses two restrictions. The first is its inability to travel through the body to other areas of the body and secondly once secreted by the liver it remains in the bloodstream for about 5-7 minutes before it breaks down.


MGF’s role is to increase stem cell count in the muscle, which stimulates muscle growth and recovery and also increase protein synthesis. It is produced naturally as a result of muscle breakdown from resistance training. Research has shown that MGF can increase the weight of muscle fibre by 20 per cent within two weeks, making it more potent at muscle growth than IGF-1.


Furthermore, research at The Royal Free and University College Medical School in London, UK found that in response to exercise and/or damage, MGF is expressed locally and that it activates the muscle stem cell pool and increases the anabolic effects.


This is where the PEGylating of MGF enhances its benefits to be more effective by allowing the MGF molecule to be carried through the bloodstream without breaking down. The Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) attaches itself to the MGF acting as a shell to protect and support it around the body allowing its half-life to change from 5-7 minutes to a few hours.

Please note that all peptides in online store are only for laboratory research purpose, not for human consumption. If you have any questions or inquiry, please feel free to contact the knowledgeable and experienced Giant Lab team:

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